Thursday, October 11, 2012


Being a teenager is flat out hard. You have all kinds of people telling you what to do and treating you like a child, but expecting you to act like an adult. You have all kinds of people that you have to see every day at your high school and you have to figure out how to handle everyone one. My personality is unique, like everyone’s. When I first meet you, I am extremely shy and I don’t really talk that much. When I get warmed up to you, which could take some time, I talk a lot. I don’t like to talk to you if I feel like you are going to judge me for everything I do or if I feel like I am annoying you. When I am finally totally warmed up to you, I don’t care to tell you how I feel about you and I don’t care what you think. I typically don’t do that, but if you make me really mad, then I will tell what I feel, but you have to make me really mad. I love to laugh and I love people that make me laugh. I like to make people laugh because I know how I feel when someone makes me laugh and I want to make someone feel that way. My best friend and I are crazy close and we kind of have a love hate relationship. We make fun of each other all the time, but we know it is out of love. I am in a class with like fourteen people in it. We are all close like a family and we treat each other like family. I know that if the boys in my class make fun of me, it is out of love. For a teenager, I think you have to have people like that. They always make me laugh. 

Friday, October 5, 2012


                Some people think that boys are all irresponsible, immature, remedial people. Most teenage boys are, but some of them aren’t. As for myself, being a teenage girl, I am pretty interested in boys. I have “talked” to some and not all of them were complete jerks. Some of them were actually really sweet. I think, if you don’t go out looking for a guy, the right one will come to you. I have talked to some who were fake and turned out to be complete jerks, but some are so sweet and were very understanding of my feelings. It is best to become really good friends before you get into the dating part. I have many friends that are boys, but I know that I will never date them. I know them too well and they are way more of friends than boyfriend material. I don’t want to risk our friendship, so I wouldn’t date them even if they were. Some things that guys do that girls totally do not like is, number one, ignoring the girl. That is the rudest thing that you could ever do as a guy. She’s obviously thinking about you and wants to talk to you, so at least either text her back and have a conversation, or tells her that you don’t think you all should talk anymore and go on. That is if you both feel as of one day you might date. People are really crazy when they judge people that they don’t even know. I feel like on all teenagers, there is a stereotype. I don’t get it because adults were once teenagers back in the day and they should know that all teenagers aren’t absolutely crazy. I think that they compare us to them but say that we are worse because we have phones and social media networks so we could ‘do more stuff.’ I’m sorry, but even when cell phones weren’t invented, people were still bad. Teenage boys are typically a little on the immature side, but , come on, they aren’t all absolutely immature freaks. My best friend is a boy. His name it Dylan and I love him to death. I would totally recommend him to any girl that would like him. I mean, they would have to be a good girl for me to say that’s its good. I can tell him anything and he helps me with any of my boy problems. We give each other advice and I love having him there because he had helped me so much. I know when he gives me advice, he does it out of love and I can trust any of it. He also tells me if I am doing something wrong with a guy. He tells me if I’m being too pushy or clingy. He’s there for me if something happens between me and a guy. My point is, all guys aren’t the same. There are all different types. You can’t judge.                                              

Tuesday, October 2, 2012


Why I think Students Should be Able to Have Their Phones in Class.
Brittani Simpson
Okay, let’s be honest, I completely understand why teachers don’t want students to have their phones in class, but also you have to look at the students perspective too. In today’s world, cell phones are one thing that keeps some people stable and on time. I am personally not like that, but some people are. In a classroom setting, phones are I guess as teachers say ‘not appropriate.’ In some cases they are though. Let’s say that you are in an emergency and there is no way that you can get to a phone are you need your parents. How are you going to reach them? My school says that you have your teachers there and there is no reason to worry about that. I am the kind of person that I like to go to my parents and if  I have an emergency, I don’t like to go to someone I really don’t know too well. I know there has been plenty of times that I don’t want to tell the teacher my problem, but I have too because there is no other way to reach my parents.
                        Another reason is that phones aren’t just used for texting. On a smart phone, you can take notes, read the Bible, read other books and have a planner for after school activities. I think that we should be able to have our phones, but have rules. Some of them could be:
1.     When the teacher is teaching in front of the class, you are not to have your phone out at all.
2.     During a test, you are to put your phone on the teacher’s desk so that you are not temped to use it.
3.     You can text and use your phone between classes, at lunch, and when the teacher is not teaching.
I understand that some of the teachers think that if you have your phone you are automatically going to be tempted to text, but some people aren’t like that. I know that if I was allowed to have my phone, I would most definitely not use my phone